Monday, July 11, 2011

"Ransack Rebellion" Shorts

The Think Thank crew has been putting in a lot of time prepping for their newest movie "Ransack Rebellion" and it has been paying off. Here is a series of clips from their riders. The first one is of Jason Robinson, a rookie on the Think Thank crew who managed to bag the ender in "Right Brain Left Brain."

Next we have Sean Black, former Variety Pack rider who had the opener for "The Leak." Now he's been brought onto the Think Thank crew and his part promises to be a good one.

Next is Jesse Burtner, the mastermind of Think Thank and one footed trickster extraordinaire.

Austin Hironaka has been on the Think Thank crew for several years now and his super smooth style is always a pleasant sight.

Next we have Sam Hulbert, whose great part in the Eastern Boarder video a few years back drew the attention of Jesse Burtner. Great rider for sure!

Lastly we have Pat Milbery, another seasoned member of the Think Thank crew. How long has he worn that helmet? I've seen him wearing that thing for at least five seasons...

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