Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Superpark Edits from Snowboarder Mag

Every year Snowboarder Mag throws their "Superpark Showdown," a contest in which different teams compete with one another to see who can come up with the best edit edit at Superpark. This first one comes from Arbor Snowboards. Not the best in my opinion but Scotty Vine certainly deserves respect for this edit. His one-footed exploits are certainly turning heads; make sure to check out his one-footed frontside 720.

Here we've got the ice coasters from Keep the Change. Throwing down a pretty solid edit as well!

Lastly we've got from the boys north of the U.S. border, Nuulife!  Despite the popularity of the Think Thank crew they managed to move onto the next round. Good editing plus a Jay-Z and Jimi Hendrix mash-up? Definitely a winner!

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