Monday, April 4, 2011

Jed Anderson in "Bon Voyage"

Along with Joe Sexton's part in "Cheers," this is probably the best rail part I have ever seen. Jed Anderson can do it all, regular and switch. Gap back 270s to fakie! This dude is nuts...

He separates himself from other riders in that he does multiple tricks at almost every spot. Make sure to check out 3:15 to 3:48; he lands thirteen tricks on one rail! So unreal.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Loon Mountain Shredding!

Here I have two great clips from the "Loonatics," a group of east coast riders who film at the Loon Mountain park.  These kids are nasty; they seem to learn at least twenty new tricks every video...

In this video I'm going to give my props to Mike Ravelson and Dylan Dragotta; they absolutely destroy the wall ride rail in this video. I didn't even know doing a 360 onto those things was possible!