Monday, November 1, 2010

Downtown Throwdown 2010

The Downtown Throwdown is Seattle's annual rail jam, sponsored by Think Thank.  Even ESPN covered it!  The results were as follows:
1. Ryan Paul: $3,000
2. Scott Stevens: $2,000
3. Forest Bailey: $1,000
4. Jake Kuzyk: $750
5. Ted Borland: $500
Johnny Lazz also won best trick with his backside 360 tailpress, pretzel 180 out.  What a trick!

Also featuring Dylan Thompson, Chris Beresford, Nick Visconti, Ben Biloq, Brandon Reiss, Chris Brewster, Jonah Owen, Austen Sweetin, Jess Kimura, Sam Hulbert, Austin Hironaka, Ivan Marchinko, Andrew Brewer, Ben Bogart, and Yale Cousino.

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