Saturday, November 27, 2010

Scotty Lago Killing It!

He doesn't just ride half-pipe, he's an incredibly well-rounded rider! Here's a video of him shredding it up in Grenade's 2008 flick "The Boned Age." The last shot is probably the worst wipe-out I've ever seen...his board actually comes off!

Here's another video with some of his footy in Transworld's flick from last year "Get Real."

Last but not least, Scotty Lago's full part from Flow's "Witness the Sickness." The double kicker line in this vid is nuts and goes to show Lago can throw down anywhere, anytime. An all around great part for sure. The last gap is absolutely mind-boggling, make sure you don't miss it. It goes to show in order to be a pro in this business, you have to scare yourself on a daily basis.

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